Inability to Regulate Body Temperature

Are You Often Too Hot Or Cold?

When you feel hot or cold at home or work, it’s easy enough to adjust the thermostat to feel more comfortable. But what if the temperature problem is inside your body?

As your body loses hormones it becomes more difficult to regulate body temperature. A small rise or fall in thyroid levels can change the body temperature enough to significantly affect the levels of proteins in the bloodstream. More than just experiencing the adjustment, this issue can make daily life uncomfortable and even embarrassing. This is not your fault. However, just because you are getting older it doesn't mean you must accept these side effects!

Are You Experiencing These Symptoms?
  • Often wondering if other people believe a room is too hot or cold.
  • Unable to warm up despite adding extra layers.
  • Unable to cool down, constantly sweating or uncomfortable when others are not. Decline in ambition

Members at 25 Again are amazed at how quickly their energy returns! Oftentimes, our medical experts are able to give women back the hormones needed to feel great regardless of the environmental temperature. A simple blood test can measure levels of the thyroid hormone TSH — higher than normal TSH levels are most often due to hypothyroidism. The first step is to take our personalized survey!

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