How Do I Improve My Mood?

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One very common concern for people as they age revolves around improving their mood. Mood swings, depression, or even just an overall lack of feeling can take the joy out of daily life for adults. Many of the patients at 25 Again are surprised to learn these issues might have a lot to do with their general health.

In order to improve mood as we age, it is critically important to consider both the mental and physical issues involved. Our medical professionals often talk to patients who have tried things like meditation but struggled to feel long-term, helpful benefits. While stress and circumstances play a role in affecting our mood, there is scientific evidence that the loss of hormones, due to aging, largely contributes to these issues.

Symptoms of mood issues

Regardless of how much we try to relax or how many vacations we take, adults with diminished moods describe symptoms like:

  • Irritability
  • Mood swings
  • Poor motivation
  • Increasing stress
  • A persistent sense of anxiety
  • The inability to focus on being mentally present with friends and family

When these problems exist, we want to help people by looking at how their bodies might be aging. Specifically, men and women both require optimal levels of hormones known as testosterone and progesterone. These hormones help the human body with a lot of natural processes during life. Among these, is the ability to fight back against stress and depression.

How is testosterone deficiency linked to mood?

Decreasing testosterone can result in many problems for men. Unfortunately, other problems related to muscle loss, sexual health, and energy often overshadow issues related to mood swings. But over time problems with a person’s mood can lead to deeper issues such as depression, hypertension, and even heart attack or stroke.

In one recent example, a large study conducted by the VA showed that men over 50 years old showed that men with low testosterone developed depression earlier and more often than those with normal testosterone. In addition to being more likely to suffer from symptoms of depression, men with low testosterone might also have trouble benefiting from standard treatments. A Harvard study suggests that men with low testosterone levels do not respond to antidepressants as expected.

Low testosterone might be a risk factor for depression. However, several studies have shown that the replacement of testosterone can also improve those symptoms. This gives men hope who feel like their mood is not as positive as it once was. It also means that there are more options available to help them. Through the use of hormone replacement therapy and supplements monitored by a healthcare professional, men can quickly and effectively regain their happiness and edge again.

How is progesterone deficiency linked to mood?

Progesterone is often described as the “feel-good hormone.” It provides a natural calming effect for men and women. In addition to helping with mood, it also promotes fat burning for energy.

Many people associate progesterone with women because its presence combats high levels of estrogen. This relieves symptoms of PMS, including anxiety, anger, and strong emotions. As women enter menopause, progesterone is the first hormone level to decrease. This deficiency leads to mood swings, irritability, decreased sex drive and weight gain. When women produce less progesterone, their hormone regulation is not as effective. This often leads to unhappy women.

Managing hormones and stress

Stress plays a role in moods as well. Stress produces large amounts of cortisol. Cortisol is referred to as “the fight or flight hormone.” This function can be extremely beneficial in dangerous situations. However, when produced on a persistent or regular basis from stress, high cortisol levels lead to irritability and fatigue. People suffering from high cortisol levels talk about having a sense of negativity and lack of motivation for many things in life.

Fine-tuning the stress hormone, testosterone, and progesterone tends to greatly improve these all of the symptoms talked about here. At 25 Again, we optimize the body’s cortisol response to stress with supplements. The result is much happier patients, many of whom will be able to come off antidepressant medications. They are more positive, relaxed, and motivated to enjoy all aspects of life.

Looking for ways to reduce your stress and improve mood once again? Click here to take the health assessment that will help begin helping you right away.

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